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Upcoming Live Online Programs

Diverse group of women working at a conference table

Smith College Executive Education’s live online programs offer women the opportunity to develop cutting-edge leadership skills to meet the challenges and opportunities of their career growth journey. 

Each program provides:

  • Live sessions with top business school faculty and thought leaders
  • Interactive discussions, case studies, and exercises in an engaging blended-learning environment
  • Powerful networking opportunities during and after each course

Register online, or contact Joy McGaugh to learn more.

Four women at a conference table speaking to a group of people

Emerging Leader Program

Live Online Training

Fall 2024
New and emerging leaders must quickly learn and apply skills to manage their teams and build influence across their organization. The Emerging Leader Program offers participants essential frameworks for managing others, developing a strategic mindset, and communicating with impact.
Experience level
New managers; emerging leaders moving from individual contributors to manager roles; managers who have not yet had training or development and want tools to succeed

Recently started leading teams or taking on larger responsibilities, or are in the pipeline to move to a management role.

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